OCR Document
Acknowledgments . The Town of Superior would like to thank the various people and committees for taking the time to provide suggestions and acknowledge their input in the drafting of this Ordinance. … Retrieve Content

Soccer ball, rubber, sz-5, 32 panel, mikassa s3000 wire fencing, eye top (line post caps) for 1-5/8in od top rail (fits 2-3/8in od post) galv lamps, 75w frosted, 130v 49-3575 lamps, 65w floodlight inside std base 125-130v … Get Content Here

CK ADD LITTLE BUFFALO 12-10BG 47N 75W 10 SWNW WYW041522 BEAVER CK ADD LITTLE BUFFALO 12-10W 47N 75W Adequate fencing, in lieu of more stringent requirements by the surface owner, is defined as follows: Three or four strand wire (smooth or barbed) fence or hog panel (16-foot length by 50-inch height) or … Retrieve Doc
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1 35 1960200 1 2000. 2 15 300000 5 388. 3 10 30000 20 50. 4 10 125000 19 350. 5 0 574000 1548 3646. 6 0 80000 180 900. 7 0 98000 16 28. 8 0 684000 62 100. 9 0 500000 45 104. 10 0 480000 21 40. 11 0 40000 … Retrieve Document

Reporting Requirements – The American Recovery And …
2009375 fencing. kenosha. 2009376 mainline & ramps. 2009377 2009378 waupaca. 2009379 city of waupaca us-69 beg approx 1.44 mile north of sh-75w & ext north approx 3.8 mile.with 412 foot exception for north boggy river bridge, northbound only … Access Doc

Low Voltage Halogen 277V 75W Transformer: Hatch Transformers: Hatch Transformers Portopotty & Construction Fencing: Superbowl: 5/23/05: 1: service: $ 1,180.00 … Document Viewer

Manufacturer: Lithonia Catalog Number: VDS-232-MVOLT Watts: 75W Lamps: 2-32WT8 Mounting: Structure 6.3 Provide four parallel sets of 4-500MCM with 1/0 GND in 3" conduit from the transformer to serve panel Infill: Provide 9 ga. galvanized chain link fencing. 7.8. … Access Document

Newleaf Bonnyrigg: Concept Plan Modifications
Line requirements and more appropriate fencing treatments. Panel. T. his report provides a comprehensive assessment of the proposed modifications to the Concept Section 75W application seeks to reconfigure and increase in the amount of public open space to be … Fetch Doc

Group Code :
Once the access panel removed, it shall be possible to remove the component completely from the AHU The railings shall consist of 42/2 fencing tube uprights and handrails, a 27/2 tubular intermediate Lighting 230 V PHILIPS TMX 200: 18 W UIEB 3 x 1,5 Inside AHU Lighting 230 V LEGRAND 604-77: 75W … Fetch Document

fence, acacia wooden 4-panel privacy fence, split-rail, 10-ft fencing set globe drop lanterns 75w (ie) x 4 ea. 12"-20" dia, 5-8-ft drops, 50-ft string. … Get Doc

Solar Panel €75W meps.co.za http://meps.co.za Powered by Joomla! Generated: 12 April, 2012, 09:26 Fencing Posts 2.4m 101mm x 2mm Galvanised € €€ POR 47-02-000 Fencing Posts … Return Doc
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panel, ceiling, aluminum spandrel, bronze color, forming spandrel, p/n: rs-1, 100mm w x 4,000mm l x 1mm thk, per lg, riken kei kinzoku kogyou co., or equal. … Read Full Source
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Sectional Fencing Pallet 866.93000 833.56000 676.68280 360.0 006403001 Best time to sell: April/May/June 2 – 3-button remote controls,multi function control panel, wireless entry system … View This Document